Researcher Resources
Current Research
Projects currently funded by the Research Board require both an executive summary and a full report before the final payment is sent.
Executive Summaries are due December 15,2023.
Request for Proposals for Pistachio Research
The California Pistachio Research Board (CPRB) is requesting proposals for pistachio research to be conducted beginning in March 2024. Proposals for all aspects of commercial pistachio production are invited but the CPRB is particularly interested in production research on the biology and control of insect pests (navel orangeworm, mealy bug, leaf-footed bug) and diseases (Phytophthora), sanitation quantification, irrigation (optimize water use and stress measures), dormancy/chill, and nutrition (new cultivars, K model validation, rootstock effects). A new pest of pistachios, Carpophilus beetle, was detected in 2023 but little is known about its lifecycle/phenology and potential control including pesticide sensitivity and timing. Orchard sanitation is important for navel orangeworm control and likely for Carpophilus but the ability to economically and efficiently destroy nuts on the ground needs improvement. The potential role of the pollen parent or pollen density in the development of Internal Kernel Discoloration is of interest to growers. Research into sustainability, resilience, and regenerative agriculture has been hampered by lack of definitions and researchable hypotheses. The CPRB is interested in projects that would resolve these problems while improving productivity in pistachio orchards. The California pistachio crop is expected to increase significantly in the years ahead and research on harvest timing and optimization is needed.
Proposals must include a cover page (maximum two pages) that has the information on the template provided.
Proposal Presentations
The the CPRB is requesting that a 15-minute visual presentation be sent for each proposal, due by January 12, 2024.
Proposal presentations to the CPRB Members and Alternates will be schedules as needed (see RFP memo).
Past Research Reports
Contact Us
499 W. Shaw Ave, Suite 140
Fresno, CA 93704
Copyright 2017 California Pisatachios Research Board